The wide range of Lowara 4” to 12” submersible borehole motors offers advanced solutions to provide water in all conditions without wasting money: high efficiency and long lasting design are the key values of both the canned and the rewindable versions.
4OS: 4” oil filled rewindable.
L4C: 4” water filled canned.
L6C: 6” water filled canned.
L6W: 6” water filled rewindable
L8W, L10W, L12W: 8”-12” water filled rewindable
27/10 ซอยประดิพัทธ์ 10 ถนนประดิพัทธ์ แขวง พญาไท เขตพญาไท กรุงเทพมหานคร 10400
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