Fixed speed hot water circulator with stainless steel pump housing TLCN – TLCHN are residential and light commercial circulators for circulation of hot water in high flow/ high head domestic hot water systems. The motor is a manually set three speed wet motor.
TLCN-TLCHN Hot water circulator LOWARA
Delivery: up to 12 m³/h Head: up to 12 m Power supply: single-phase 50 Hz Power: from 30 W up to 400 W Maximum operating pressure: 10 bar Temperature of pumped liquid: from 2°C to 110°C
27/10 ซอยประดิพัทธ์ 10 ถนนประดิพัทธ์ แขวง พญาไท เขตพญาไท กรุงเทพมหานคร 10400
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